DIN EN 2240-008-2010 航空航天系列.白炽灯.第008部分:灯、代码75.产品标准.德文版本EN2240-008-2009

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MIL-STD-1395B, MILITARY STANDARD: FILTERS AND NETWORKS SELECTION AND USE OF (06 MAR 1987) [NO S/S DOCUMENT]., This standard consists of the following: a. Selected standard filter and network styles and types, detailed by sections, chosen jointly by the Department of the Army, the Navy and the Air Force for use in new design and manufacture of military equipment under the jurisdiction of the Departments. b. Guides for the choice and use of filters and networks for new military equipment.【英文标准名称】:Crystallinesiliconterrestrialphotovoltaic(PV)modules;designqualificationandtypeapproval